Alicja Peszkowska

Engagement Lead
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About Alicja

Alicja is the Engagement Lead at Open Future. She has over a decade of experience in communication and community building, and specializes in working at the intersection of technology, digital culture, and social change. Her track record includes setting up participation and storytelling for top companies (such as the LEGO Group and Unilever), social organizations (including TechSoup, Outriders, Creative Commons, and the Engine Room), and cultural institutions (Statens Museum for Kunst and Vi lever på Polsk gallery in Denmark among others).

Alicja’s recent engagements include managing the Responsible Data community, overseeing an international social campaign on the value of digital commons, and co-curating two exhibitions at a community-run art studio. She is a regular blogger and her writing can be found on,, and her Medium. As an experienced public speaker and facilitator, Alicja has given a TedX talk on Open Data and has acted as a lecturer in Online Community Governance and Multimedia & Digital Journalism at the College of Europe. In the past year, Alicja has served as a research assistant on two data justice related projects, one of which concerned the use of biometrics in the humanitarian sector.

Alicja holds an MA in Cultural Studies from the University of Warsaw, where she specialized in audiovisual culture. She lived in Colombia and Spain during her studies and received an award for outstanding academic achievements from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, for two consecutive years. Alicja speaks Polish, English, Spanish, and Danish.

A passionate advocate for storytelling, impact reporting and building narratives that drive social change, Alicja has always worked with and for the people. She is based in Copenhagen and volunteers for her local community in Frederiksberg. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, and going on long walks with her dog, Charlie. If you ever want to hear her sing, you can check out her old band’s album which was crowdfunded and released under CC BY license.


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