Alignment Assembly Report Launch

June 19, 2024

What do open movement activists, creators, and organizations think about regulating generative AI? How could it be done in a way that respects creators’ rights and cultivates the Digital Commons?

Our six-week Alignment Assembly on AI and the Commons set out to answer this question. To kick-start the process, we used seed statements, which were built on principles defined at the Creative Commons (CC) Summit last fall. We also followed the methodology for online, asynchronous deliberation (aka Alignment Assembly) developed by the Collective Intelligence Project.

Whom have we reached, and what did we learn? Did this process bring us closer to a shared position on the issue?

If you are interested in learning more about the outcomes of the Alignment Assembly process and would like to participate in further discussions on this topic, register to join the report’s online launch on Wednesday, 19 June, at 5 pm CET/8:00 AM PT / 11:00 AM ET / 3:00 PM UTC.

In the first part of the meeting, we will be joined by Anna Tumadóttir (Creative Commons’ CEO) and Paul Keller (Director of Policy at Open Future), who were both involved in formulating the initial principles that started off the assembly process. Next, we will talk to Angela Odour Lungati (Executive Director of Ushahidi), Viviana Rangel (Coordinator of the “Democratization of Knowledge and Culture” at Fundación Karisma), and Joshua Tan (Co-founder of MetaGov) about learnings, outcomes, and what could be the next step in this process. The meeting will last 90 minutes and take place on Zoom.


Register for the event


We will also present the outcomes and learnings from the process in person at Mozfest House Amsterdam and the Public Knowledge Conference in Washington DC. If you are planning to attend any of these events and would like to talk about AI and the Commons, please join our sessions or reach out.

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