
Digital Public Space Primer

October 24, 2023 by: Paul Keller et al.
The purpose of this primer is to explain the concept of digital public spaces as a central tenet of European digital policies. It shows why digital public spaces are a necessity for the full realization of digital rights and how the European Union should support digital public spaces by investing in public digital infrastructure.

Digital rights revisited: a rights-based approach to building digital public spaces

October 17, 2023 by: Zuzanna Warso
This paper takes a close look at digital rights, examining them as a framework playing a role in shaping the dynamics of online ecosystems. It considers the feasibility of a holistic rights-based approach to building genuine digital public spaces.

Defining best practices for opting out of ML training

September 28, 2023 by: Paul Keller et al.
This Open Future policy brief examines the technical implementation of the EU law provision allowing authors and other rightholders to opt out of having their works used as training data for (generative) machine learning (ML) systems.

Regulatory requirements for the European Public Digital Infrastructure Fund

September 21, 2023 by: Krzysztof Siewicz
In the paper, Krzysztof investigates the characteristics of initiatives the Fund should support to create a solid foundation for the operation of the digital public space(s). He also looks into existing funding sources and how they could be used to support public digital infrastructure.

Fields of open

July 6, 2023 by: Alek Tarkowski et al.
Fields of open is a report which consists of findings from an exploratory mapping of the movement using network analysis methods and data collected from Twitter. The first part consists of a definition of the open movement, followed by a conceptualization of the movement as consisting of distinct but connected fields of open. The second part comprises methodological information about social network analysis and data visualization. The third part includes a presentation of the network visualizations and their analysis.

Shifting tides

June 7, 2023 by: Alek Tarkowski et al.
Our research aims to understand the current state of the open movement, as seen through the eyes of people actively involved in its endeavors and leading organizations within the movement.

The Limits of the Fair Share Debate

April 11, 2023 by: Zuzanna Warso
This policy brief contributes to the discussion about the importance of maintaining an open internet. It posits that the struggle to maintain an unfettered exchange of information online is taking place not just at the network level but also within the domain of internet platforms and in the space occupied by content and application providers.

Exploring the Intersection of Openness and AI

April 7, 2023 by: Zuzanna Warso et al.
The rapid advancements in AI challenge the concept of openness on the internet, as companies use publicly available data to their advantage, frequently disregarding the concerns and welfare of other parties, such as artists and content creators, and the impacts of the tools they make available for use. There is a growing realization that the […]

European Public Digital Infrastructure Fund

February 27, 2023 by: Paul Keller
This White Paper identifies the need for a consolidated European approach to support Public Digital Infrastructures and the development of Digital Public Spaces in Europe. It argues that efforts to build digital public spaces will contribute to ensuring Europe's digital sovereignty while providing a blueprint for a digital space that allows free, open, and democratic societies to flourish. 

The Growth of responsible AI licensing

February 7, 2023 by: Paul Keller et al.
The RAIL licenses are gaining ground, but permissive sharing is still the prominent norm governing the sharing of ML models on This analysis aims at understanding how licenses are used by developers making ML model-related code and or data publicly available.

Open Future Annual Report 2022

January 27, 2023 by: Open Future
Open Future Annual Report 2022 covers the second full year of our operations and provides a detailed account of the development and refinement of our organizational strategy.
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